“Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.” - Maya Angelou
I rise, you rise, we all rise when women achieve their dreams.
Technical Readiness is a big part of achieving that dream, of ensuring you become fighting fit. No wonder then that our 5-step plan to attain technical readiness is called I-RISE.
I is for Introspect: Look within, gauge your skills, talents, likes & dislikes
R is for Research: Look around, see what new developments have happened in your space
I is for Interact: Refresh your connections with peers, bosses, acquaintances
S is for Skill-up: Add new skill-sets to make yourself into the best hire in the room
E is for (E-)update: Update your resume, your social media profiles, put yourself out there in the universe
Over the course of the next few weeks, we will take you through each of these steps in some detail. Keep reading!